In the heart of the Balkans, where mountains touch the sky and history runs deep, a tradition lives on...

Bosnian Bullfighthing aka Korida — centuries-old, fierce, and untamed. But this is no Spanish arena. In Bosnia, bulls face bulls in a battle of strength and heritage. It's not about blood, but power and pride.

When a crew from ScoopTV ventures into the remote hills to uncover the secrets of this ancient ritual, they expect a cultural deep dive. But they soon realize that the real story is the one you never see coming...

X-COASTScoop caught Bojan Cizmic on his vacation in Fruska gora, andcouldn’t resist asking a few questions

I was never really a ketchup personTrue story about doing nothing

Fun HouseAn unfiltered conversation with Serbian rapper and producer - Novak Mirkovic a.k.a Spejs Noksi

Scoop is a platform for spotlighting off-centre art, culture and life-style.
What we bring to the table?

I fall in love like I am performing Scoop asked Anastasija Pavić – What is the relation between strength and femininity? 

EggsistenceIo Sivertsen’s egg storytelling  
Sports&Drama“The desire for and dream of a joyous life express a longing for a dramatic performance of life as a play”

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It is created from a personal urge to establish a free & equality driven space for collaboration, creation, showcase and discussion with a non-conformist approach to a magazine as a form.

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